Challenge is Closed. Join the waitlist

You're about to discover the single biggest mistake parents make when teaching their child to read. 

and it isn't the few sight word sessions you missed!


You're going to learn...

For ages 4-7

The BEST order to teach reading skills

This will allow for the strongest more durable foundation for your child's reading future.

How to maximize your time and effort

No more lessons that feel like a waste or like they lack connection to the big picture.

How to address different learning styles

So that you can customzie lessons with confidence in order to get through to your kid even if they typically struggle with attention etc.



20-minutes at a time

any parent can do it!

But many won't!

My Learn to Read Challenge is built for the parent with limited time, limited skill but tons of passion for making sure their child is CAPABLE. If that is you, and where you are in life, this challenge is the supportive kick in the butt you desire even if you're not excited about it!

What's the big difference?

Learn To Read Method

30 Days of Guided Lessons

Master Letter Sounds & Writing

Private Group Access

Full Support

Doing It Alone

Random daily efforts

No mastery just touching the surface

Lacking support

Lacking community


The Learn To Read 30-day Challenge Method

Component 1

Daily 20-Minute Guided Lesson: A step-by-step guide for each day of the challenge, focusing on letter sounds, phonics practice, and writing.

Component 2

Completion Certificate: A personalized certificate to celebrate your child’s achievement at the end of the 30-day challenge.

Component 3

Engaging Phonics Activities: Hands-on activities designed to make learning fun and memorable for your child, ensuring skills stick.

Component 4

Private Group Access: Join a supportive online community where you can ask questions, share experiences, and receive feedback.

Component 5

Exclusive Daily Tips for Parent: Get helpful tips and insights to ensure you're maximizing your child’s learning every step of the way.

What people think of our systems!


We begin october 1

register below to receive your kit and be enrolled in this private challenge.

This challenge is comprised of a combination of our established tools and BRAND NEW tools that have not been seen before!

The first 20 parents to register will automatically receive a FREE digital copy of our Homeschool Planner!

Learn To Read Challenge

Top Rated By Real Moms!


Recommended by homeschool mamas!

This challenge is created for parents like me who didn't know what they didn't know. They only they know with certainty is that they want their children to be strong readers!

Guaranteed SAFE Checkout
